Guggenheim Museum: Going Dark

Art, Exhibition Film, Campaign, 1 min, 2023

It was an immense privilege to have been invited to create a short promo for the Guggenheim Museum’s important and beautifully curated exhibition ‘Going Dark: The Contemporary Figure at the Edge of Visibility.’ Tasked with translating the artworks and ideas that lay behind the exhibition into the moving form, we took inspiration from the question at the core of the exhibition “What does it mean, especially for people of color, to be hyper-visible and subject to increased surveillance, while at the same time erased from the field of vision, forgotten in the social and political landscape?” and borrowed from the tropes of Film Noir to create a film that engages museum visitors in a kind of chase & pursuit, as if looking for something/someone. Yet, while conveying a sense of shadowing, the piece, like the exhibition, reminds us that within the 'chase’ lies the potential for play and the intrinsic agency of the subject and viewer.

Directed by Rafael Salazar Moreno and Ava Wiland

Producer Danielle Davis

Cinematography Rafael Salazar Moreno

Editor / Colorist Russell Yaffe

Music Matt Bauder

Assistant Camera Jules Rico

Gaffer Emmet Luciano

Grip Fernando Pacheco




Kasey Jeffers
Dulcina Abreu
Jade Acosta
Melanie Zuniga
Dah’Vielle Lucas
Gabriele Negro
Paola Pietrantoni
Soraya Shri-Pathman
Alex Duncan